Jawaharlal Nehru University
School of International Studies
Centre for Studies in Diplomacy, International Law and Economics
The International Trade & Development Division
This is what is new-
Youth for Tomorrow
A festival on international issues
Celebrating diversity across time
Day I. 2nd November 2001
UN MOCK : Agenda - `Should a US led UN peacekeeping force be sent to Afghanistan?'This event hopes to spread awareness of international issues by creating a simulation of the UN General Assembly. Single member participation. Countries will be assigned on registration on the spot .
DEBATE : Topic - `Is Jehad a necessary Corollary of Islam?'The debate hopes to bring out the best in oratory skills and knowledge of international issues, as well as challenge conventional thinking among the student community. Duration: 4+1 minutes
MACRO SOLUTIONS : This event hopes to channelize student creativity as potential leaders of tomorrow. This event will present the participants with economic, political, and environmental problems that challenge the global community and ask students to come up with possible solutions for them.Problems will be given on the spot, each participant will be given 3 minutes to present a possible solution. |
Day II. 3rd November 2001
QUIZ* : The focus of this quiz will be on international issues that have become particularly relevant in our globalised world.ONE ACT PLAY : A one act play on any topic, not longer than 15 minutes in duration.CLASSICAL MUSIC : No event is complete without having some outlet for musical creativity, and Yugantar hopes to be the showcase for the great wealth of talent in Indian classical music in today's' youth.
VENUE: SSS Auditorium TIME: 9:30 a.m. Onwards Attractive Prizes *The Quiz is open to all 3 member teams |
``The test of a man's education is his use of leisure'' ….here's your opportunity to use both!! |
Yeh Yugantar Kya Hai?
Celebrating diversity across time
The students of SIS (School of International Studies), Jawaharlal Nehru University hit upon the idea of organizing a festival with several goals in mind. These goals can be elucidated thus:
We have thought of seven main events for this festival, they are;
Yugantar hopes to celebrate the great diversity that exists among the student population in Delhi, who come to this city from each and every corner of the subcontinent and indeed the whole world. We invite you to Yugantar.
You are invited to participate in
A game of pure infotainment
Brainstorm 2001
in SSS I Auditorium
on Friday, 23/3/2001 at 4 p.m.
Two-member teams, entries on the spot,
pre-lims followed by finals,
attractive prizes
Brought to you by
Guys, last year, the teachers challenged the students to do battle in a game of cricket. Predictably, they lost(the teachers, not the students). And the little rascals wonder why they scored so low in their end-semesters. The students batted first (no toss- they were ordered to bat first; after all one can't take the risk of teachers fielding in the afternoon sun). Capitalising on dropped catches and byes and a 14 ball over by Dipankar Sengupta(the web-master, if you didn't know) the students scored 180 plus runs. The teachers got 100 odd. At the end of the game the teachers picked themselves up and along with the students had lunch at the University's old animal house, now appropriately, the Faculty Canteen.
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